Sunday, 27 November 2016

An apology and a pledge

I've come to realise that I have grown rather self involved and blinkered during this time of suffering. This particular trial has been going on for years now and doesn't show any signs of easing. It seems each time we think things are changing for the better we are dealt another blow and find ourselves back on our knees in prayer and despair. It is all too easy to let it take over and I think I have allowed it to cloud my life to the extent that I don't always notice when my friends and family are also suffering and going through set backs.

So, to all my suffering, struggling friends, I'm sorry for ignoring you in your time of need. This post is my pledge to change. I want to be brave enough to step out and encourage and comfort you. I want to help you and listen when you need to talk. I want to practice stepping out in this even, and especially when I am hurting. I don't want to be afraid of rejection or embarrassment anymore. I have received great comfort from a timely message or hug from a friend and want to be that for someone else. If I can be a comfort to others then I can be comforted by the knowledge that I am being more outward looking and it will take my focus away from me.

So if you are struggling with life just now please let me know if I can help at all, even if it's just to pray. And if I slip up and ignore your pain or talk only about me and my pain please forgive me and gently remind me of this post!

I know God has given me a gift of encouragement and I pray that I can start to step out in it more. My prayer is that as I lift my eyes from myself and notice others around me they will lift even further to the God of all comfort and encouragement.