Sunday, 11 October 2015

My life is about to change!

In 2 days time I'm going into my clinic to have one of my frozen embryos replaced into my uterus! Argh! Way back in June we went to the clinic to provide the eggs and sperm needed to make our embryos. Physically that procedure was tough on my body. I reacted badly to the sedation and ended up in hospital due to complications a few days later. Our embryos were then tested so we didn't implant any that wouldn't make it due to the genetic defect I carry. That meant an agonising wait with its own stresses and strains before we can take one of our 4 frozen genetically perfect embryos home in my uterus! But on Tuesday that will happen! Physically it is a much simpler procedure than anything I've had up till now. It doesn't involve any sedation and shouldn't hurt much. It's just a case of inserting a catheter guided by ultrasound and send the little embryo home. I then have to stay lying down for 20 minutes to let it settle in but can then go home. There's no restrictions on my eating and drinking. Physically speaking it's really not a big deal! However, emotionally it's a huge deal! I have been trying not to look too much at statistics but it's hard to hide completely. They're not great and there's a higher chance of it failing than working but I'm trusting that God will use whatever happens to help us progress in our journey to parenthood. I've said before on here that I'm confident God will use IVF to bring us a baby but I'm finding it hard not to get carried away planning for this baby before we even know transfer has worked. It's really hard to find a balance between believing this transfer will definitely work and believing it definitely won't. I'm excited to finally be so near and also super nervous to be so near. I'm on annual leave now and have planned a heap of stuff tomorrow to keep my mind occupied. After transfer I have to rest so we're going away for a few days and I also have plenty of Netflix viewing lined up. I guess I just really need to let God be in control. Whatever the outcome of Tuesday it will change my life, I am certain of that!


  1. Praying for you in this exciting yet uncertain time! X x

  2. We will be praying that all will go well Tuesday and beyond. X Roy and Brenda

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