Thursday, 23 June 2016

Yesterday was a big day.

Yesterday was a big day. It marked one year since our 8 embryos were created. It has been quite a year! All 8 embryos survived to 5 days and were biopsied for genetic testing and then frozen. A few weeks later we found out that 2 embryos were chromosomally abnormal and would not be viable so we had to let them perish, our first 2 losses. Another 2 embryos were found to have chromosome issues that may or may not result in a viable pregnancy. Those 2 remain frozen and we will decide what to do with them when we need to. Due to complications we weren't able to have frozen embryo transfer till October. That transfer ended with a negative pregnancy test, our third loss. We were shocked, we didn't expect it to fail. Thankfully we were able to try again straightaway. That second transfer gave me my first ever positive pregnancy test. Sadly it ended in miscarriage in January, our 4th and most profound loss.
Yesterday was a big day. I started taking medication to prepare my body for frozen embryo transfer number 3. I have already been buffeted by side effects but am coping. I don't know what's going to happen with this embryo. I'd love it to develop into our first baby we can hold in our arms. However as our turbulent year proves we have no way of knowing. I am trying my best to trust God but it's hard. A few weeks ago we were at the annual festival for our family of churches. It was an encouraging time. I was reminded that we are not alone and that friends and God are for us in this. I was also reminded that we took a leap of faith in doing ivf. I am still convinced that ivf is God's will for us at this time but have no idea what is going to happen.
Yesterday was a big day!