Even when I don't feel it, you're working.
Oh how I want to believe that right now. I want to believe that God is for me, that He loves me and is good & wants only good things for me. I want to believe He cares. I want to believe He is working. I am trying, and some of the time I am managing to feel close enough to God to feel the comfort only he can give. But the majority of the time I feel like my life, mental health and faith are in free fall. I am falling faster and faster, getting more and more out of control and I have no idea how to stop or deploy my parachute to slow my fall. All I'm aware of is the rapidly approaching concrete and I don't know how to not crack my head open on it.
The most obvious reason I feel like my life is in free fall is the fact that I lost a baby 8 weeks ago. Neil and I and many others had prayed for that baby for over 7 years. After having IVF 4 years ago and losing 8 embryos (including 2 miscarriages), I always thought if I got pregnant naturally that'd be the baby to stay. Maybe that is why this miscarriage is hitting me much harder than the other 2. Maybe it's because we had a scan at 8 weeks where we saw our baby alive and heard their heartbeat. Maybe it's because I made it to 12 weeks this time which is further than I'd ever gotten before. Whatever the reason I am really struggling and feeling quite alone in my grief. Even 8 weeks on I am feeling the loss of our sweet baby as if it happened yesterday. The fact that it was actually 8 weeks ago makes that really hard because, quite rightly, people aren't expecting me to be experiencing such raw pangs of grief as I am. I realised today that when people choose to leave me to process my grief and not offer a hug or a kind word (which may sometimes be the right thing to do), it awakens all sorts of feelings of abandonment and inferiority I thought I had dealt with, making things much harder in my mind.
It's not just the loss of our precious baby contributing to my feeling of free fall. 2 days after I returned to work following my miscarriage I found out that the charity I work for is having a nationwide restructure in which my job role is being eliminated. I have been mapped to a step up role with more responsibility and back to shift work. I have also become, somewhat unwillingly, the staff representative responsible for attending meetings and conveying, often difficult to hear, messages from national office to my local staff team. All of this is happening in quite a tight time frame so it's all a bit overwhelming. The new role is definitely something I can do and do well but not while I'm not in my right mind. The added pressure to make decisions quickly and explain things to everyone else is just making me feel like I am accelerating towards the concrete. I have taken some control in this matter and have saught advise from trusted friends and tried to outsource my decision making (as far as possible). I have now applied for the role (as the deadline was Friday) & got my application proof read. I had to choose between applying for the step up role, resigning or stepping down in role. I am struggling to make even the simplest choices at the moment as I feel like my mind is encased in treacle, so this decision was hard! I decided in the end the best thing to do was to apply by the deadline and then make the final decision later. I don't have to take the job necessarily.
Baby loss, work stress and difficult decisions are still not everything I have going on in my life. Both my parents are dealing with health issues which plays on my mind. I'm not going to share details here as it's not my news to share but it has an impact on my free fall! They are doing ok and my worries on that front have been eased a lot recently but it would be wrong to not include it in this account.
Mental health
I have realised in the past couple of weeks that the problems I am experiencing have now crossed over from simply dealing with grief and stress into clinical depression. I have had depression in the past and I feel deeper in this time. My thought life is murky to say the least. I won't share details here as I know it can be hard for people who love me to read things like that. Suffice to say, for the sake of my life, I need to do something to improve this situation. I have referred myself to a counseling service, although my assessment appointment is not till April. I have made some changes which have helped me in the past and given myself 10 days to implement these changes before reassessing whether I need to go to my GP to get back on my antidepressants. I have upped my exercise level and am trying to eat more healthy food (although I'm aware that's not easy to do whilst grieving). I want to feel better. I want to feel human again.
This miscarriage, and everything else I've got going on, has rocked my faith in God like never before. It's a really odd situation as I am struggling to believe in a God of love who loves me whilst simultaneously running to Him for comfort. I can't explain how that is possible. I feel like I'm holding on by the hang nail on my fingernail. I don't know how much longer I can hang on for. I'm finding church an almost impossible place to be, particularly worship. How can I sing praise to a God I am so mad at? Last week I just say outside the hall during the worship, I just couldn't be in there. I'm also not feeling very supported by people in church. Please note I said feeling. People have been amazing and it's been great but in my current state of poor mental health I am not always able to see subtle signs of support and I'm really not able to ask for it. Particularly prayer. I am not able to ask for prayer or even to pay for myself at the moment. I do not mean to offend the people who have gone out of their way to check on is and to see me. I'm just struggling to feel seen. I feel like an absolute burden and it's because people are fed up of me that they are pulling back. Yes I know how silly that sounds. I'm well aware people have their own lives and worries. This is just my way of processing what I'm feeling. I am very grateful to many people. I really, really feel like turning my back on God and church right now. I know that's not the right thing to do. Even in my crisis of faith I can feel God calling me in, wrapping his arms around me, helping me see Him in all of this pain and uncertainty.
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