We saw our consultant this morning and he was so much nicer and more helpful than last month! He was able to give us satisfactory answers about the way they treat surplus embryos and was very reassorting about the whole process. We were able to have an informed decision and have decided to move forward with this and have IVF. Apparently the waiting list is not too bad so we should be able to get going in about 6 weeks. Because I have a genetic condition we can have 3 cycles on the NHS which gives me hope. Last month we came away from our appointment with the consultant feeling dejected and without hope. This month we came away full of hope and feeling much more positive. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed but kinda excited too. I'm under no illusions, IVF is going to be a trialling time but it is a stepping stone towards fulfilling my desire to be pregnant. I have been doing a bible study lately about biblical waiting, particularly in infertility. There was a section in that about straining your mind towards a goal. For us IVF is that, a way to actively wait for a pregnancy. I don't know where this road will take us but it finally feels like we are on the right track. All the fertility treatment till now hasn't worked for us and I really feel like God is going to use IVF as a helping hand for us. One final note. We both have to have blood tests to start the process and mine have to be at a particular time in my cycle so they can pick up certain hormones. Neil however had no such restrictions so had his bloods done today. After over a year of it always being me getting prodded and poked I can't tell you how nice it was to be waiting for Neil to be done with a test instead!
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