Monday 15 February 2016

Pain gets in the way

As I was walking home today I noticed a slightly harassed looking woman pushing a buggy coming the opposite way on the pavement. The baby in the buggy was really screaming. When I saw her I felt strongly that when we passed I needed to say to her "you're doing a good job". I don't know but I have a feeling this urge came from God. However, she was far enough away that I had time to think about whether I'd say it or not, and as I was thinking my pain got in the way of me being obedient to God. Instead of thinking how I would bless this stranger I started to get jealous that it wasn't me looking harassed and pushing a screaming baby. I was thinking all about me and getting cross at God again that the miscarriage meant my one chance to date at having a baby slipped through my fingers. With all that going on when we did pass I couldn't bring myself to say anything. Instead I consciously made eye contact and smiled at her. She half smiled back but probably wasn't as blessed as she would have been had I said the words. I wanted to at least show her somebody cared by smiling and noticing her. Don't feel like it's enough though.
I actually thought I was doing OK with all this. Oh well, I'm not going to beat myself up about this. I'll take it to God, receive grace and try better next time!

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